Sunday, November 4, 2018


Officer Bri often stops in to help out - this week she got to dance with us! Perfect opportunity before our first Urban Dance practice!!!

Room On The Broom

Why not build our own brooms! 

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Thursday, October 11, 2018


 OPEN HOUSE was a great success!  
Thank you to all who had come out to visit!

Your wings already exist, all you have to do is fly!


The First Graders have worked hard to earn either the Silver Sneakers or Golden Spoon!  We worked hard being safe, responsible & respectful during recess and lunch!  Can you believe we earned both in the same week??  

Way to go FIRST GRADE!

The Pumpkin Patch!

What a fun time at the Pumpkin Patch! 
The spooky hayride, picking pumpkins, cider and donut and a little time checking out the playground and animals!